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Monads are Tedious in Go


Most of my personal projects are written in Haskell these days. I’ve heard people say “Haskell is hard” or whatever for a long time, but the reason I write most of my projects in Haskell isn’t because I’m smart and want to do the most impressive smart person thing possible, but because I’m dumb and want better tools to help me understand things more easily and avoid the kind of bugs that dumb people like me write a lot.

On any given work day, I review at least one piece of go code. Go kind of has a similar thing in theory about not having “clever” features that might confuse people. Some of this is really nice, but some of it is tedious. I’m going to get into the latter a bit here.

Much of the code I end up reviewing contains many reimplementations of <$> or >>=, sometimes buggy. These are scary looking things to someone who doesn’t write any Haskell, but they’re so fundamental to what most code is doing that you just absorb them quickly.

This post isn’t meant to be a tutorial on Haskell operators, but <$> is also spelled fmap and basically means “apply this function inside that thing.” e.g., you might apply a function to each element of a list, or to the value inside an optional (think nullable pointer). >>= is the monadic “bind” operator and basically is used to combine monadic actions.

At this point, you’re either confused by jargon or angry for how inaccurate my descriptions are. I intend to make things clearer as I write. I’m actually intending to write more about go, so let’s get going.

Error Handling in Go

I actually rather like how error handling works in go. Mostly. I’ve worked in lots of languages with exceptions and I’ve disliked most exception handling I’ve encountered (including Haskell). You either end up with a completely opaque error path that you are unable to reason about (e.g., any line of code may fail with any exception) or you end up with an incomplete list of exceptions you might have to care about, but generally can’t do anything about at a particular site (e.g., java checked exceptions which is always an incomplete list).

In go, a function that might fail will return an error. This is really nice. You can see what might fail and decide what to do about it. In most cases, you just pass it up, but you don’t have the situation where you’ve forgotten to handle a particular exception type and your program crashes instead of just failing gently.

There are two downsides, though:

  1. You have to add the dreaded if err != nil { return err } code everywhere.
  2. You have to check errors and ignore values on error by convention.

The first point is mildly annoying. It seems unnecessary and there’s been exhaustive discussions around how to improve the particular case. Looking at it with my Haskell glasses on, it seems really weird to even consider writing a special case built-in just to cover what is a super generic concern. This all for what is just a special use case of >>=.

The second point comes up a lot in code review. You’re not supposed to use values if you also got an error. You’re not supposed to return a useful value if you wish to return an error. This is a bit beyond the scope of what I wanted to discuss here, but it’s something you have to consider every single time you return a (T,error) and every time you receive one. The easy way to demonstrate what this code could be accidentally doesn’t have this problem either, so I wanted to bring it up.

Idiomatic Go is the Either Monad (sort of)

In go, if you want to return a value of type T or an error, you generally return (T, error) and expect the user to only use one of those values. I’m going to contrast this to Haskell’s Either type which is almost the same. Either a b can give you either Left a or Right b (a and b are types here). The primary difference is the second point above… you can’t get both values. You either get an error or value.

As a Monad, Either a will effectively short-circuit any failure and continue forward with any value.

Let’s look at an example where we have a function that takes two numbers as strings, adds them together, and returns the value as a string:

func readInt(s string) (int, error) {
	return strconv.Atoi(s)

func add(a, b string) (string, error) {
	ai, err := readInt(a)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	bi, err := readInt(b)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return strconv.Itoa(ai + bi), nil

(I included readInt just so the types are visible)

This is pretty straightforward, idiomatic go. The rough equivalent in Haskell would look something like this:

readInt :: String -> Either String Int
readInt = readEither

add :: String -> String -> Either String String
add a b = case readInt a of
            Left x -> Left x
            Right ai -> case readInt b of
                          Left x -> Left x
                          Right bi -> Right (show (ai + bi))

That’s kind of worse in that it seems to march off to the right. What if we wanted to add three numbers!?

But Either a is a monad, so we can use >>= to get things done. This is the equivalent function without case:

addM :: String -> String -> Either String String
addM a b =
  readInt a >>= \ai ->
  readInt b >>= \bi ->
  pure . show $ ai + bi

This does the same thing – we’ll either get ai as an int, or it’ll short-circuit the rest of the function and return the error we got from trying to parse the value. i.e., it does all the if err != nil { return err } bits for you.

Much like in the initial version, ai is the Int form of of the String a as bi is for b. ai and bi are arguments to lambda functions that do stuff with those Int values. It should be clear here that there’s no possible way to get ai if readInt returned a Left (error), so the only thing the code can do is return that error and not push the value into the next lambda. There’s not a way to get this wrong.

In the wild, you’d probably be more likely to see this written in the do syntax, which is just syntactic sugar for the above:

addM' :: String -> String -> Either String String
addM' a b = do
  ai <- readInt a
  bi <- readInt b
  pure . show $ ai + bi

Note that this isn’t a Haskell language feature that knows how to do fancy stuff with Either a – that’s just how the library is defined. You can make your own monad that works differently (as long as it’s lawful). The definition for Either is just this:

instance Monad (Either e) where
    Left  l >>= _ = Left l
    Right r >>= k = k r

i.e., if we get a Left l, we ignore our second param (the function) and return the Left l. If we get a Right r, we pass r to that function (named k here).

Of course, I wouldn’t write it that way either, since monads are also applicative functors. My brain automatically rewrites that using liftA2:

addA :: String -> String -> Either String String
addA a b = show <$> liftA2 (+) (readInt a) (readInt b)

Again, same error handling, etc…

Monadic Go

Now, imagine we had a similar monadic functionality in go. We’d write something like:

func add(a, b string) (ErrorOr[String]) {
	ai  readInt(a)
	bi  readInt(b)
	return strconv.Itoa(ai + bi)

This is similar to the try specification mentioned earlier, but with the dream of having an arbitrary binding mechanism that lets specific types (in this case, ErrorOr[T]) decide what it means to either move values forward or fail.


I wasn’t thinking about this because I want to sell people on Haskell. It’s more about how I see the same stuff written in go (and other languages) every day and have to be super vigilant to make sure nobody is introducing bugs in their error handling. I catch bugs in code like this regularly. These types of bugs can’t be expressed in code that will compile if they just embraced the monads they were reinventing and got to work at a higher level.

The terminology is probably confusing to folks from strange lands, but much like the olde Gang of Four patterns, you see the same stuff a lot and name the patterns. Except folks also make libraries that just do the patterns, so we don’t all have to reinvent things so frequently.

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