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Why an Erlang Memcached Implementation?

Memcached! Do you speak it?

I wrote an erlang implementation of a memcached server speaking the binary protocol over the weekend. You’re all probably wondering why.

It was half a learning exercise, and half a way to plug a memcapable interface into more applications. In its current form, I consider it a framework to take existing erlang backend stores (e.g dict, ets, dets, mnesia, riak, etc…) and put a memcached interface on them. On its own, it’s a little boring.

The first implementation of the binary protocol was in my memcached-test project (which I still actively use as a reference implementation when playing around with features and testing clients and things). It’s a simple asyncore based server in python (with a sample synchronous client).

A bit later, came the actual production C server version we all know and love (which also had my java client to talk to).

I wrote twisted memcached and built an S3-backed server one weekend.

That leads us back to the present erlang-based server.

But Wait, There’s More!

If you have a basic understanding of erlang, you may find this implementation to be the best documentation of the protocol in existence.

In the main loop of a connection, all I’m doing is calling process_message in a loop with the connected socket, a reference to the storage server (an erlang gen_server implementation), and the result of a call to gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 24). That last call will either return {ok, SomeData} or {error, SomeReason}.

The Fun Part

The only definition of process_message/3 I have is shown below. The only valid way to call this is when the third argument is the {ok, Data} tuple where Data in this case is a binary pattern. Some of the values are filled in (which means they must match for this function body to be invoked), and some are bindings which will receive the value.

In the code below (extracted from mc_connection.erl), you’ll see that the first 8 bits must exactly be the defined REQ_MAGIC constant, and then the next 8 bits are stored in OpCode, and so on.

Any attempt to process a message not in this form will result in the connection processing crashing (the effect of which is your client being disconnected from it).

So you can see how erlang easily allows us to rip the bits we need out of the header for dispatch, so the next thing is to ask for the remaining data (extra headers, key, and body) before dispatching to the storage server process.

process_message(Socket, StorageServer,
                {ok, <<?REQ_MAGIC:8, OpCode:8, KeyLen:16,
                      ExtraLen:8, 0:8, 0:16,
                      CAS:64>>}) ->

    % After the header is extras, key, and then body
    Extra = read_data(Socket, ExtraLen),
    Key = read_data(Socket, KeyLen),
    % Note that the length of the body from the header includes
    % the lengths of the key and extras.
    Body = read_data(Socket, BodyLen - (KeyLen + ExtraLen)),

    % Dispatch the read data to a gen_server process.
    Res = gen_server:call(StorageServer,
                          {OpCode, Extra, Key, Body, CAS}),

    respond(Socket, OpCode, Opaque, Res).

The Storage Server

A storage server process is a gen_server implementation whose handle_call implementations look will take a tuple of {OpCode, ExtraHeader, Key, Value, CAS} and return a mc_response record.

For an example storage server, consider my two flush implementations in my hashtable store (noting that flash has one 32-bit integer in extra header, no key, and no value):

% Immediate flush. Ignore the current state and make a new one.
handle_call({?FLUSH, <<0:32>>, <<>>, <<>>, _CAS},
            _From, _State) ->
    {reply, #mc_response{}, #mc_state{}};
% Delayed flush. Keep the current state and schedule a
% flush to occur (via handle_info) in the future.
handle_call({?FLUSH, <<Delay:32>>, <<>>, <<>>, _CAS},
            _From, State) ->
    erlang:send_after(Delay * 1000, self(), flush),
    {reply, #mc_response{}, State};
% More stuff Follows

That’s pretty much it. Even if nobody uses this code, it’s useful to me as a protocol reference since it’s easier to read than even the binary specification.

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