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Memcached 1.4.0


I’m a bit late to the blogging party here, but we finally released memcached 1.4.0. Check out the release notes for more details.

The release notes cover quite a lot of the interesting stuff, but they don’t properly reflect the time and effort that went into making this all happen.

There are a lot of bug fixes, as one might expect after some time. A lot of testing has shown that performance is better pretty much all around, but very few people have ever seen memcached be a performance bottleneck in their applications, so that’s not too exciting.

The biggest part of this release, however, is something I’ve been working on for about two years: the binary protocol.

The Binary Protocol

So what’s the big deal about the binary protocol?

The most obvious thing for protocol implementors is that it’s now really easy to parse the protocol. After reading a fixed-size header, a low-level packet processor can figure out where to dispatch the input and split it into all of its major components (key, value, opaque, cas, extras, etc…).

That’s great for the (small) number of developers who write servers and clients, but what about random people out there who just want to use memcached? Semantic enhancements in the new protocol allow us to build some really cool stuff.

The first example of such a thing is Trond’s replication functionality for libmemcached. We now have a clean fire-and-mostly-forget protocol semantics that allows for improvements like efficient client-side replication. It also makes it safe to make bulk-loaders (even with CAS).

Go Try It

We’ve run tons of tests, others have run tests, there’ve been various deployments large and small, but if you’re running something older, it’s your turn.

We work hard to make sure that the development versions work on all platforms we can find anyone to care about. Each change is built and tested on all supported platforms before the change is accepted into our master branch.

Do note that 1.4.0 has some build issues on OpenBSD, but someone graciously donated a builder to our buildbot farm so they’re all cleared up for 1.4.1 (which is planned for later this month).

In the meantime, there are several ways to pick it up:


Package systems are slow to pick up… anything it seems. If your system’s package manager is shipping memcached 1.4.0, please let me know.

In the meantime…

Use the Source

You can download the source distribution from the google code download site.

Building and installing is quite simple:

sudo make install

Then just run /usr/local/bin/memcached whichever way suits your fancy. Personally, I like upstart on Linux, launchd on OS X, smf on Solaris, etc…

Deploying on Amazon EC2/AWS?

I’ve put together some Amazon AMIs that are production ready and ridiculously simple to get going.

Each AMI allocates all but 512MB of RAM on the system to memcached and just starts up happy and running. These images are based on Ubuntu 9.04 and have an upstart config for the actual daemon execution so if we somehow have some kind of crashing bug, they’ll automatically and instantly restart.

Depending on your needs, you can select one of the following:


I’ve assembled a 32-bit AMI (ami-39c52450) for small instances, and a 64-bit AMI (ami-1fc52476) for large instances. They show up as the following:

For example, using the ec2 command-line tools can start an extra large 64-bit instance with the following invocation:

ec2-run-instances ami-1fc52476 --instance-type m1.xlarge

After this instance comes up, you’ll find memcached 1.4.0 listening on port 11211 with about 15GB of RAM at your disposal.

No maintenance should be necessary, but ec2-run-instance’s -k parameter for supplying a root ssh key is still honored in case you want to still look around.


There are European versions of the same images as ami-818ba3f5 for 32-bit and ami-838ba3f7 for 64-bit.

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